Editor’s Note: We spoke with Aimee Odette with Collectors Gallery & Framery and The Island Bookshop. She owns both businesses on Venice Island with her partner, Michael Rank. The bookshop is at 206 Miami Ave. W. (941-416-5511) and the gallery is in the same building at 112 Nokomis Ave. S. (941-488-3029). Learn more at TheIslandBookshop.com and GalleryFrameryVenice.com. Aimee and Michael received one of our Venice Spirit Awards for 2023.
Aimee, please introduce Collectors Gallery and Framery. We purchased Collectors Gallery & Framery from Leah Sherman last year and moved forward with our expansion into a much larger space. That’s given us an opportunity to showcase more beautiful original fine art and photography along with smaller unique gift items such as pottery, glass mosaics, and custom glass and wood pieces. We continue our custom framing offering a wide selection of frames and technical support for framing projects.
What’s the latest with The Island Bookshop? We continue fostering a sense of community with long term and new customers. So many people in our area love reading books and the adventures and perspectives they present. Books offer us wisdom, humor, and a depth of understanding from diverse authors about cultures over time and the choices that frame the human experience. We continue hosting events featuring talented local authors to include best-selling authors with the New York Times. We are also super excited to announce that we will also be expanding the bookshop. Follow our social media and check our website for updates.
What’s the backstory of launching your store? Our biggest motivation was our love of books and the joy of reading. Venice, and the larger region, hasn’t had a local bookshop in many years. Michael and I are grateful for the ongoing support from the community and visitors since the day we opened.
What’s your process for selecting books? We keep our eyes on bestseller lists and we also value feedback from our customers. We also have our favorites as long-time readers. Our goal is to have a selection of enjoyable and meaningful books that appeal to everyone of all ages.
What are some of your interests related to reading? I love historical fiction and romance novels. I read across multiple genres as it’s good for the brain and cognitive health. Michael loves whodunits with plenty of mystery and intrigue.