Introducing Positive Longevity by Randy Moore – I’ve been teaching a Stretching for Longevity Class in the area for the past couple years. Stretching and all forms of yoga benefit people of all ages including older adults. The gentle full body stretches and isometric exercises I teach tone the major muscle groups of the body while enhancing core strength and balance. These outcomes are important to health and longevity.
For a number of years, I’ve been developing a comprehensive approach to longevity that goes beyond stretching, strength-resistance training and balance. I call it Positive Longevity and it entails using our prevailing mindset and day-to-day activities to foster wellness as we age.
Positive Longevity incorporates these 10 factors: Nutrition, Exercise, Humor, Relationships, Faith, Self-Love, Gratitude, Purpose, Avocations, and Resilience.
With the support of Englewood Community Hospital’s Health 2 You Community Education Program, I’m hosting a Positive Longevity Group meeting each month at the hospital’s Suncoast Auditorium. We use the 10 Factors of Positive Longevity as a guide to explore and discuss various topics. Meeting regularly provides a positive social environment that enhances learning.
The average age of the group is early to mid-70s and anyone can join H2U. I’m also interested in helping younger adults in their 40’s and 50’s so they can benefit even longer from learning more about the science and wisdom of Positive Longevity.
Part of the wisdom I use is based on my study of Blue Zone communities around the world. A Blue Zone community is a place where a higher percentage of adults live healthy and active lives past 100. There are five such communities in the world today in Okinawa, Japan, Sardinia, Italy, Ikaria, Greece, Nicoya, Costa Rica, and Loma Linda, California.
Imagine Englewood becoming a Blue Zone community over the next few generations. A more realistic goal is more individuals embracing the tenets of Positive Longevity. A good reference point is learning about the characteristics of a Blue Zone community. I look forward to sharing insights about these communities and the science of longevity in future editions. I’m also available to make presentations to private clubs and other groups. Please contact me about speaking opportunities or private coaching at
Randy Moore is the publisher and editor of Englewood Healthy Living.