Julia Mercier: Family Tradition of Independent Women – Editor’s Note: We spoke with Julia Mercier, CPA of Mercier CPA Associates PA. Learn more at EnglewoodCPAs.com or call 941-474-9309.
What’s your personal history in Englewood?
My family moved to Englewood from St. Petersburg in 1974. I attended local schools before going to Brevard College, North Carolina, for two years and then Florida State where I graduated. My first job was doing acquisition audits with a bank in Atlanta. That bank eventually grew into Bank of America. I transferred to their Tampa Private Banking office to administer large trusts and settle probate estates. I moved back to Englewood in 2003 so my kids could grow up in the town that I loved as a kid.
What’s the history of your business?
My mom founded the business when we moved to Englewood. I worked with her through high school and I eventually joined her full-time when I moved back. We added our third CPA, Heather LaBeau, who joined the firm in 2012 and was made a partner this past year.
In what ways has your mom and family mentored you?
My maternal grandmother was dean of a private academy and earned her bachelor and master degrees, which was rare in her generation. My mother passed the CPA exam after getting her college degree and went into public accounting, which was a male-dominated profession until recent years. They taught me to engage my curiosity, dig deep into what interested me, and to push forward.
What’s the underlying philosophy of your business?
My job entails getting to know my clients, their family, business and goals. We are now working with many of the children and grandchildren of some of our original clients. The advice may change over the years, but the passion to help people is a continuing value. I spend many hours keeping up with the ever-changing tax laws and accounting standards for my clients. It’s satisfying to work closely with our clients and explore options, explain the tax and financial impacts, and help them make the best choices for their businesses and personal finances.
What are some of your other interests?
A few years ago, I started doing charcoal sketches. Today, I work with different media and art techniques. It’s rewarding to create art that other people enjoy. My grandmother was a master gardener and influenced my interest in organic gardening, drying herbs, and making jellies and pickles using old family recipes. I recently finished nine years with the Florida United Methodist Foundation, as their first female chairperson, and am active with the Rotary Club of Englewood, which offers an opportunity to build relationships while supporting community projects.