Meet Marcia Ziegler of the Englewood Family YMCA – Editor’s Note: We spoke with Marcia Ziegler, the Membership Director of the Englewood Family YMCA. Our local YMCA is located at 701 Medical Blvd. across the street from Englewood Community Hospital. Visit and call 941-475-1234.
Marcia, what are your responsibilities as the Membership Director and what’s the history of the Y?
I manage the day to day membership and business aspects of the Englewood Branch. We started offering programs in 1993 to meet the needs of a growing community. We have come a long way from doing classes in a bank building to the storefront on 776 and then own current facility thanks to the generosity of local leaders including our namesake Warren Loranger.
What are the demographics for the current membership and how has that changed over the years?
Our largest group is retired folks and we also support many families. We have six schools in Englewood and people would be surprised just how many children live in our community.
What are the primary activities for adults and children?
We have a complete fitness center as well as many classes seven days a week. They include toga, Pilates, Zumba, Silver Sneakers, and more! Our youth activities include basketball, swimming lessons, afterschool, summer camp, and tutoring.
How do you support members with your various specialty programs for Diabetes Prevention, Parkinson’s and Live Strong?
Though these targeted health programs, we are helping many adults exercise while building a greater sense of community.
Where are you from and what brought you to the Englewood area?
I’m originally from New Hampshire and my folks moved to Florida when I was a teenager. They were looking for warmer weather like so many of our neighbors and friends!
What do you love about your work, Marcia, and what are some of the challenges?
I love to see our members of all ages getting stronger while building positive relationships with other members. It’s also rewarding to see our youngest children growing up to become volunteers and camp counselors. I love what I do each day and the nice people I’m associated with including our staff, volunteers and members. One of the challenges is getting the word out of how much we do. We are much more than a fitness center with a pool. We have READS! Tutoring at Myakka Elementary and Englewood Elementary that has helped many children to become successful readers. We also have a reading program in our Summer Camp. Our Silver Sneakers classes help older members to enhance their balance and agility. I’m proud to be associated with the SKY Family YMCA locally and regionally.